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Career Change

Creatives and Socials for Tech – you don’t have to code to work in IT
In 2019 I changed from Art into the unknown: the Tech world. I had never heard of SQL, but learned to write it as fluently as I speak four languages. I am now crafting dashboards, but I used to make sculptures and didn’t even own a smartphone. I just knew: my perfect job was out there – and when I found it, I was willing to learn anything and everything to be a Data Artist, from 0 to 100. I am a late Tech-bloomer: like wine that ages I had to age out of the girlhood stereotypes that computers were for nerdy boys and grow into a confident Tech-Women. The transition was hard. But it was worth it.

When I first started transitioning, I googled mentoring and checked out several mentoring programs. They were all complicated and frustrating. Luckily I found CoffeeCodeBreak, it is easy to get an overview over the mentors and it’s even easier to schedule a session. The main topics that I talk to advice seekers about is how to change into the tech industry from any other career, especially into low-code to no-code jobs. If you want the same I looked for – advice and exchange – you are just right.