Career Change
Creatives and Socials for Tech – you don’t have to code to work in IT
In 2019 I changed from Art into the unknown: the Tech world. I had never heard of SQL, but learned to write it as fluently as I speak four languages. I am now crafting dashboards, but I used to make sculptures and didn’t even own a smartphone. I just knew: my perfect job was out there – and when I found it, I was willing to learn anything and everything to be a Data Artist, from 0 to 100. I am a late Tech-bloomer: like wine that ages I had to age out of the girlhood stereotypes that computers were for nerdy boys and grow into a confident Tech-Women. The transition was hard. But it was worth it.
When I first started transitioning, I googled mentoring and checked out several mentoring programs. They were all complicated and frustrating. Luckily I found CoffeeCodeBreak, it is easy to get an overview over the mentors and it’s even easier to schedule a session. The main topics that I talk to advice seekers about is how to change into the tech industry from any other career, especially into low-code to no-code jobs. If you want the same I looked for – advice and exchange – you are just right.
- From Opera Singer to Tech LeaderGood read – I recently learned about Anna McDougal who had a career in opera before transitioning into Tech. Anna does a great job explaining how to disarm the impostor syndrome. Anna says if you have a learning mindset you can’t get imposter syndrome: only if you want to proove something or prove yourself and… Read More »From Opera Singer to Tech Leader
- Nightingale – journal of the Data Visualization SocietyBlog – passion and effort were my secret weapons to mastering the career change from Artist to Data Artist. In this personal and up-close piece I give useful advice to others who struggle to make their “different background” a success. Read the full article on Medium: Or read it right here!
- Quereinsteiger können Wasserhähne austauschenBlog – warum die Fähigkeit einen Wasserhahns auszutauschen mehr über mich aussagt als mein Lebenslauf. Liebe Recruiter: wie könnt ihr wissen, ob die Quereinsteigenden wirklich das Zeug mitbringen, um in der neuen Branche Fuß zu fassen und ihre Fähigkeiten erfolgreich einzusetzen? Liebe Quereinsteiger: woher wisst ihr, ob ihr das wirklich wollt, das wirklich durchhaltet und… Read More »Quereinsteiger können Wasserhähne austauschen
- IT Consulting can pivot you into Techpodcast – do you want to pivot into Tech? Try out a IT Consulting firm. There are great arguments to start your career in Tech as a career changer with an IT Consulting company. They usually have a great trainee Programms and are less reluctant than most fields to hire career changers. You can check… Read More »IT Consulting can pivot you into Tech
- Quereinstieg in die IT – Gründe für ein StudiumGood Read – ist für dich ein IT-Studium interessant? Der Quereinstieg in die Tech Branche ist so interessant, da man am Puls der Zeit arbeitet, in einem sehr jungen und dynamischen Umfeld, mit flachen Hierarchien. Man verdient sehr gut und ist mit Arbeitszeiten und -orten flexibel. Nu Jena Förderer von der TU München empfiehlt einen… Read More »Quereinstieg in die IT – Gründe für ein Studium