Podcast – “There’s never a step back in life, even though I studied art and work now in Tech. There are just valuable experiences. If I had never studied art, I wouldn’t be qualified to do my current job.”
This is a quote from a podcast episode with the Cologne digi-geeks, a student project that explores different people’s path into the Tech world to encourage young people, expecially girls, to consider a career in MINT or Tech.
Some of the questions surprised me, like “Did you ever have to take a step back because you went into the wrong direction with your life?” and encouraged me to think about my choices so far. It is so interesting to hear what questions the students of today ask just before they jump right into university and the labor market, and makes me concious of how far I have come since I asked those questions myself.
Thanks to Simone Rehage who invited me. Enjoy listening.